High-throughput analytical strategies to assess environmental and human exposure to emerging contaminants


The main aim of Aquasomic is the development and application of high-throughput analytical strategies to assess environmental and human exposure to emerging contaminants.

Aquasomic is a research project funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (ref. PID2020-117686RB-C31, PID2020-117686RB-C32 and PID2020-117686RB-C33) for the period 2021-2025.

Aquasomic is a coordinated project with 3 partners. This interdisciplionary proposal allows us to integrate both the environmental and human monitoring under the concept of exposomics.

Partner 1

Group IBeA (Ikerketa eta Berrikuntza Analitikoa) from University of Basque Country (UPV-EHU)

Nestor Etxebarría (Coordinator and PI subproject-1)

Olatz Zuloaga (Co-PI subproject-1)

Ailette Prieto

Maitane Olivares

Aresatz Usobiaga

Eneritz Anakabe Iturriaga

Ailette Prieto Sobrino

Monika Ortueta Aldama

Oskar González Mendia

Leire Madariaga Domínguez

Iker Alvarez Mota

Naroa Lopez Herguedas

Jon P. Benskin

Belén González Gaya

Mireia Irazola Duñabeitia

Mikel Musatadi Larrucea

Inés Baciero Hernández

Irantzu Vergara Luis

Aitor Villate Uribe

Ane San Román

Maddi Salvoch Vilches

Juan Francisco Ayala Cabrera

Marta García Alonso

Partner 2

Group Chromchem (Research group on Chromatography and Chemometrics) from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) and INTECMAR (Instituto tecnolóxico para o control do medio mariño de Galicia)

Rosario Rodil (PI subproject-2)

José Benito Quintana (Co-PI subproject-2)

Rosa Montes

Elisa Rubí

Nieves Carro

Julio Cobas

Pedro Montero

Javier López Vázquez

Sandra Méndez Martínez

Andrea Estévez Danta

Carlos Pernas Fraguela

Partner 3

Group FI-TRACE (Flow injection and trace analysis) from Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)

Manuel Miró (PI subproject-3)

Enrique Carrasco

David Cocovi

Miguel Ferrer

Pere Ferriol

Llucía García

Maria Pau García

Burkhard Horstkotte

David Lindo

Josep Mercader

Miquel Oliver

Milagros Rocha

Montserrat Rodríguez

Marcela Segundo

Alexandra Sixto

Hana Sklenarova

Antoni Sureda

Silvia Tejada


Proyect coordinator

Nestor Etxebarria

Head of Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

(+34) 946015530

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