AQUASOMIC is an interdisciplinary proposal because we gather several domains together under the framework of exposomics tools. 

The associated partnes (EPOs) participating in the project will assist in (I) setting efficient networks of knowledge and technology transfer between academia and the private sector and stakeholders, (II) the management of the intellectual property (3D printed fluidic devices for bioassays), and business analysis and (II) the technical implementation of the developed products aiming at their commercialization.


Basque Foundation for Innovation and health research (Bioef) is the coordinator of the public health units of the Basque Health System.

Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao-Bizkaia is the main public entity that manages the supply of drinking water and for the sanitation of wastewaters of Biscay.

APPLUS Norcontrol is a privat company of quality control and chemical analysis.

Augas de Galicia is a public entity that manages water resources in the "Galicia-Costa" basin. 

Dirección Xeral de Saúde Pública (Consellería de Saniadade, Xunta de Galicia) is a public entity responsible for monitoring the quality of drinking water, epidemiology, etc. in Galicia.

Water Resources Department from the Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori of the Balearic Islands Government is a public entity that monitors the water quality at the Balearic Islands.

Solid Perfil 3D is a company specialized in the design and fabrication of 3D objects,

Everythink (Porto) develops its business activity in the area of product development, exploiting the combination of materials, engineering and design.

FIAlab Intruments (based in Seattle, USA) is a leading company on flow based equipment for environmental monitoring.

ENOC Solutions is a national cosmetic company specialised on the synthesis and handling of liposomes as substitutes of animal models in bioavailability testing.

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